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モーヴ 1/48

1944年 ドイツ国内

Made in 2020,
Taken in 2020.






 なんとか完成させましたが、批判的に見なくても、やっぱりこれはバブル時代だからこそ出せた、自家製ガレージキットだと思います。定価は何と7,800円! 売る方もこんなモノを出すだけのお金が有り余っていたのだと思いますし、買うモデラー側も、こんな高額キットを買えるような資金があった時代の産物でしょうね。。。

This is very terrible kit. Bad kit. Not a assembly kit, but just materials pack.
This kit consists of Fujimi's 1970's Bf110C/D kit, original plastic parts, metal parts, photo-etched parts and metal rods. The fitting of almost of all parts are bad.
I highly recommend other kits, for example Eduard.

Main Problems
・Fujimi's grey parts and original beige parts are bad fitting. The cross-sectional shape of the main hull is different from the nose parts.
・Intake parts (metal parts) under the engine are bad fitting.
・Humps (metal parts) are included in this kit. We attach them on the each engine cowl. But in fact, this hump is seamless.
・A cylindrical intake tube on the right engine (metal parts) is bad fitting.
・No hole at the end of four exoust pipes.
・Eight vertical rods (photo-etched parts) at tiny antenna at the nose are too long and interfere each other. I had to cut 0.5mm.
・The front canopy is Fujimi's parts and the rear canopy is a original parts. They are bad fitting.
・There are no details and lines under the hull. I had to carve lines. (This is Fujimi's original bad point.)
・Two "E" shape stays under the hull are at the uncorrect position. I moved them into one section rear.
・I exchanged blades of propeller (metal parts) into Tamiya's Fw190D unused parts. (Fw190A's propeller) I cannot turn a heavy propeller by a hairdryer.

I was always heavily frustrated while I was building this kit.

I lost a balance tab and made from a runner.

I airbrushed this model in flat black first, and put RLM76, 74 and semi-gross black on the model carefully by a 0.2mm airbrush.
At first I failed to paint the camoflage. The patterns at the each area were not same... But after I airbrushed all, I decided by majority and repainted.
I set this plane as unfamous pilot's plane. So I shuffled a letter decal at the hull side.

This kit is terrible fittings. And it was terrible high price (7500JPY)! (Now, we can get it at more low price, me too.)
Year 1992, when this kit was new released, was an era of Bubble economy in Japan and there were many rich men. This kit is a vestige of the era that the economy was super good.

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