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ペガソ Pegaso 54mm


Made in 2016,
Taken in 2018.



しかーし!!!いろいろ調べていたら、トルコや非アラブ諸国でも、建物の看板や旗などには、信仰告白はアラビア語を使うらしい画像が。。。(゚Д゚;) 一生懸命に考えて考証し手間ヒマかけたわりに、結局あまりよろしくないというオチになりました。。。

This is a 54mm metal kit from Pegaso Models.
Ghulam is a Turkish slave soldier in the Kingdoms of Turkey and Persia in 9-16 centuries, and the kit is in 12-13th centuries.

For the flag, I wrote Shahāda in Persian. It is my original decal. I didn't know the Turkish language of this era, so I tried in Persian. Because he is Turkish descent, but the land where he acted was Persia.

But later I found that even in Turkey and other non-Arab countries, it seems that Shahāda is chanted in Arabic…
I spent a lot of time and effort for the flag, but the result is poor…

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